We all enjoy living in comfort don’t we? After a hard day’s toil, who wouldn’t want to come home to a cool and inviting environment? Most people consider air conditioners to be an item of luxury rather than that of necessity. However many experts have claimed that air conditioning can actually provide numerous benefits to humans that very well improve the conditions of ones life.
Listed below are some of the less known benefits of having air conditioning.

1. Helps to Reduce Asthma and Allergies
Air conditioners not only reduces humidity in homes, but can also lower the amount of pollen, and other airborne outdoor allergens that can potentially lead to asthma symptoms. Running an Aircond in the house also ensures that all windows and doors are kept closed. This would further reduce the amount of dust and bacteria in your home.

2. Keeps Out Insects And Parasites
When it comes to keeping out bugs and fleas, the filters in air conditioners are a lot more effective than window screens. This comes as good news to pet owners who can now keep their furkids indoors without worry of inviting pests. Aircond also keeps homes cold and less humid making our home less inviting to pests like houseflies.

3. Prevents dehydration and heat strokes
Lower temperatures mean less sweating.What people don’t realize is that sweating causes us to lose a large percentage of the water we consume.If you don’t replenish the water you’ve lost you may face dehydration. Heat strokes are another problem that excessive heat can cause. Failing to treat this problem early can lead to serious health concerns and even fatalities.

4. Less Noise
Typically doors and windows are closed with air conditioned rooms. This means less noise can enter the closed room ensuring these places are cool and quiet. Besides a smoothly running Aircond will also emit less noise than the conventional ceiling fan.

5. Improves mood and alleviates stress
We all know how moody and annoyed one can get in a hot and humid environment. Sometimes everything seems to drag on because it’s hot and uncomfortable but Aircond is the simple solution to that.
However all this is only possible when your Aircond unit is properly serviced and maintained. Otherwise it may lead to additional stress and trouble. Always seek professional service experts for all your Aircond concerns.
Make a booking with Taion SmartService today to enjoy special rebates. Multiply your savings by servicing two units and above. Gather your neighbours and make a joint booking to get bigger rebates only with Taion SmartService.