In this day and age almost every indoor space is facilitated with Aircond units. The number of air conditioners being purchased has been steadily increasing every year. Some families even get multiple units to be mounted into different living spaces within their homes. However, what most homeowners don’t realize is that routine servicing and maintenance is pertinent to the functionality and effectiveness of their air conditioners.
It is recommended that air conditioners get professional servicing at least once every six months. That means every Aircond unit should get professionally tended to at least twice a year. In between services, homeowners could and should do their part on the upkeep of their air conditioners. Here are some tips on DIY care for your Aircond.
1. Clean your filters
This is probably the most basic step of caring for your Aircond. Keeping your filters clean and free of dust is important. Carefully remove the filters and give it a good rinse. Do not hesitate to get a small brush to remove any stubborn dirt or debris.
2. Vacuum the ducts
Overtime some dust might penetrate the filters and get into your units ducts. This would then reduce the efficiency of your units performance. It is advisable to vacuum your ducts as often as possible to prevent this situation.
3. Clean the condenser fans
The condenser fan will probably be covered with dust, so you should clean it with a brush thoroughly.
These are just some basic care tips you can apply to ensure that your Aircond unit is not too clogged or damaged in time of its next servicing. Not only will this help bring down your overall servicing charges but you’d be surprised to see how much you save on your electricity bills as well. A dirty and clogged unit will consume more energy to work effectively. There are lots more to do to keep you Aircond unit at its prime but that is better left to a professional expert service provider company such as Taion SmartServices.
Have any Aircond problems? Visit Taion SmartService to book an appointment today!
Make a booking with Taion SmartService today to enjoy special rebates. Get up to a 35% rebate on every unit serviced. Gather your neighbours and make a joint booking to enjoy bigger savings only with Taion SmartService.